Monday, December 10, 2007


you are all boy, and i love you more than life. Your starting to develop your own thoughts and style. You wanted to start growing your hair out and you are. We took you to a salon last week to get your hair styled for the first time and I baught you your own "GUY HAIR GEL" for your birthday. I am trying to figure you out. i am not sure what to buy you any more, your not little, but your not big. You love to talk and tell stories, pizza excites you, you love hanging out with your dad. Baseball is your sport and i love watching you pitch. You get embarrased when we metion certain girls names. You have a heart for the Lord and were baptized this fall. For that iam so grateful. I believe you will speak boldly for the Lord one day. You are very literal and black and white. I remember your curly blonde hair and big grin at 2 years old. You warm my heart and i am blessed to be your mom.

Now to finish the birth story, well ya all know he was born, but how?
We had just had the heavenly epidural and i relaxed enough to get to 10. We started pushing, and pushing, and pushing. No baby. Not even to a plus station. We squated, we used the bar, we rolled around, I flashed my brother in law Blaine, he was mortified to see my butt. 2 and 1/2
hours later still no baby. He never came down at all! So my doctor, whom i love dearly, who came in on his day off to deliver started talking C-section. I was horrified, and sad and disapointed. I cried, we prayed, i called my bradley inststructor. Scott and i decided that was the only choice we had and we did it. I wanted so much to have a vaginal birth a experience everything, i wanted to hold him on my chest after birth, i wanted my family to experience it with us. I hated doing it, but i was thankful for the option, had it been 100 years ago...well the outcome would have been bleak. So we preped for surgery and about an hour later out came khalob weldon, we did not find out what we were having. I though it would be a girl, so i was suruprised. Had i not already been laying down and strapped to the table i would have fell off at the announcment of his weight............ 9lbs 10 oz. 21 inches long. and he was posterior, head up instead of head down. I was like.... are your serious? how can that be? my mother had 8 children and non over 7-8 lbs. Holy Cow where did this moose come from. OH MY GOSH, do you remember the first time you get to hold them? The moment they come out and you discover who they are. There is nothing like it in all the world. NOTHING!!!!!! I was so in love and seriously ready to do it all over again. He nursed good. We stayed in the hospital for about 5 days. no complication, my insurance was just good and allowed that so we took advantage of it. The surgery was no fun, throwing up with staples SUCKS, and i thought for sure i ripped them all out, i had never even been in the hospital before this so it was an eye opener. The catheter was terrible. But he was worth it all. We drove home in our Jetta and i was paranoid about getting on the Freeway, i was like watch what your doing, slow down, be careful, pay attention to the other guy. We got home to our little apartment in downtown Edmonds. My milk had not come in yet and ofcourse i hardly slept at the hospital... the drugs, the high from the experience, just learning everthing. Well that first night home my milk came in i was engorged and khalob screamed for 12 hours. He was hungry, but could not latch on. I was a mess, i remember not sleeping and being so tired, i think i had a surge of hormones on top of it, he would not stop crying, i was crying, my mother in law said to give him a binky and i was terrified of niple confusion, so i did not, and in great turmoil over whether to do it or not do it. It was like you know 1-2- 3-4 in the morning and i just did not know what to do. I had to call somone who recently had a baby cuz i thought they would be more up to date on the nipple confusion, but my friend leslie was back in Tennesee at the time and the time differance was 3 hours. So i was watching the clock like a hawk, which made the night go even slower. i did not want to wake her up, but i was desperate to talk to her. i couldn't wait any longer and i think i called her at 5am my time. Do you remember leslie? i was so desperate for someone to tell me what to do, and i did give him the binky, i shoulda just listened to mom. Sorry mom!! I do not think it helped much, he was so hungry by then, and i was feeling sick from being engorged. We went back to the birthing center and they pumped me and he ate and we were all happy. And i was not leaving that hospital without a breast pump, so i sent my husband to go buy me one, no matter the cost. i did not care, i was not going home with out one. Do you remember that look on the babies face when they have had enuf to eat, we called it "milk drunk" there eyes roll up in their head and they are relaxed and just look euphoric. very sweet. oh how i love nursing babies. I actually dreamed about it not to long ago. anyway, that is the story of how my son entered the world. I only took about 15 hours, from start to finish, not to bad for a first timer and a c-section. Thank you lord for him, please help me to learn him and the best way to parent him in a way that best fits him and his peronality and learning style. He is a treasure.


Anonymous said...

I remember the phone call so clearly! I was right, he isn't still using a binky at 10, right? He turned out fine.

I was so sad that we lived so far away when Khalob was born. The beauty of the whole thing is that we live close now!!! I'm still smiling over that fact.

Give Khalob a hug for us, if he'll let you. Happy birthday Khalob!

Anonymous said...

By the way, it's really hard to see the 'post comment' icon. You might want to change the color or something??

Sabbatical, Phase 6- next? said...

Hi Tina! It's been fun catching up on your writing last few days. Happy b-day to Khalob!! Love you!! -Cheryl