Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Back for round two

Okay, here i am again. i got scott (my husband) to e-mail all my friends and family my new
blog address. So come visit me okay? I AM SUPER EXCITED ABOUT DOING THIS, AND TALKING TO YOU. AND I AM PLAYING WIHT FONTS AND STUFF, SO BE READY FOR CHANGES FOR AWHILE. Wow i can even write in color? thats awesome! I am not sure where to begin. Most all of you know who i am and know about our life. Some of you are new though, so i must catch you up. I think i need to acknowledge the two people who got me addicted to reading their blog and thus got me to start my own. Kudos to cheryl Kaler and leslie Anderson. Greg and Cheryl got me going last summer on their adventure trip to Wash. D.C. I could hardly go a day without reading there blog while they were gone for 8 weeks. Then Leslie got me reading hers and i loved her writing and thoughts. She kept encouraging me to start my own very. So here i am. I hope you all have as much fun reading it as i am going to have writing it.


Sabbatical, Phase 6- next? said...

Ha ha!! Here I am again! Thanks for the kudos, as you see I am already addicted. Now you're gonna put me to shame! -C

Anonymous said...

Look at you girl! You've already added some changes.

Way to go. I'm totally addicted to blogging.....maybe more than coffee...okay, not that much.

Sharon said...

You're cute! Keep 'em coming! : )