Tuesday, November 13, 2007

lets do some homework

What is my motto? I don't think i have one. maybe....LETS GET STARBUCKS
I think i would like to be Samantha Stevens.... from Bewitched. I do not know if she is a superhero, I would like to have the power to just WIGGLE MY NOSE to do or get whatever i want. SCARING PEOPLE makes me laugh histarically, like almost wet my pants funny. I am a DOG LOVER AT HEART, but my husband is allergic to them, so we have a cat, and i actually really love her too. i grew up on a farm and always had both. I do not miss dog poop and pee stains in the yard though. Cats are funny. She makes me laugh too, but not as much as scaring people. I would much rather be smarter.......NOOOOTT......SEXIER FOR SURE. I will never ever understand HOW THE TV WORKS, HOW DOES THE PICTURE APPEAR SEEMINGLY OUT OF KNOWWHERE? My life would be simpler if i could BE ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING And RELAX MORE. The biggest decision iam dealing with is WHETHER TO GET A JOB AND HOW TO WORK IT AROUND MY EXSISTING LIFE. Okay there is my homework teachers. I hope i passed. see ya at the party. tina

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